原本只是觉得好玩,抒发心情的创作,却一不小心引起了强烈的反响。台湾创意人林永得(Derrick Lin)的微缩场景摄影,为其在Instagram上赢得了几万名的粉丝。


有时,很难向民意屈服(Sometimes it’s hard not to succumb to popular opinions.)







忙碌、劳累的一天结束后,选择一家当地的酒吧犒劳自己(Our reward after a long, hectic day is to unwind at a local corner bar.)




We can do nothing but watch in disbelief when people hijack our meeting with their own agenda.


林的这种创作形式与我们之前报道过的日本创意人Tanaka Tatsuya的作品有异曲同工之妙,只是所表达的意义不尽相同而已。


有时我们非常厌恶强制性的会议,然而却不得不被放逐(Sometimes we’re reluctant to go to mandatory meetings we have to be herded.)


每当中午办公室开始弥漫各种饭菜香味时,一定是同事们开始加热他们自带的午餐了(When our coworkers heat up their odorous lunch choices, the smell quickly fills the office.)


我们多么想尽快结束一天的工作,开始一个暑假(All we can think about today is leaving work early and starting summer.)


如今很少有人能把眼睛从他们的智能手机上拿下来(People rarely take their eyes off their smartphone screens these days.)


在早晨的第一杯咖啡下肚前,一切都是朦胧的(Everything is hazy before our first cup of coffee in the morning.)


人们总是在一封邮件中塞入太多的附件(People always cram in too many attachments in one single email.)


我们每天的工作桌面可以自己照顾自己,并不需要定时定点地被清理(It’s amazing what can live in our desks when we don’t take time to clean them regularly.)


On the first day of spring we put our friendly face back on.


当老板今天不开心时,没人能躲避办公室里的暴风骤雨(No one can dodge the storm in the office when our boss is having a bad day.)


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